
ELA Curriculum
ELA Overview 5th, 7th, 8th Grade
Our curriculum is developed from the research-based Common Core Standards, and PARCC-aligned NY Engage ELA curriculum.
Divided into six modules, we focus on reading, writing, comparing, and responding to high-quality texts.
Each module provides an end-of-module performance task aligned to the NJSLA Frameworks, which can inform teachers if scholars are achieving the national standards.
The benefits of using this curriculum also include:
- The 5th grade through 8th grade is vertically aligned.
- Opportunities for the implementation of culturally relevant and diverse text selections and novels.
- A rigorous curriculum open to differentiation and modification.
- An emphasis on deeper learning, problem-solving and critical thinking.
- It provides teachers with detailed units of study, recommended texts, scaffolding strategies, examples of proficient scholar work, daily lesson plans, sample tasks and guiding questions for scholars, homework ideas, quick quizzes, and mid/end-of-unit assessments.
- EngageNY is more than just a source of curriculum. It hosts many professional development resources, including various PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and other materials made available at State-led professional learning sessions. It also has various videos of classroom teachers conducting moral lessons aligned to the new standards.
- A Common Core-aligned ELA program with a built-in diagnostic tool, it can construct and administer reliable, valid, formative, and summative assessments.
- Scholars are assessed at the start of the year for their ability to read informational and literary texts. Based on their scores, the program contains interactive lessons that provide targeted enrichment and support opportunities.
- Scholars take a mid-way assessment and an end-of-the-year assessment.
- Both scholars and teachers set goals, track the results, and reflect upon the growth made throughout the year.
Actively Learn:
- Actively Learn is an award-winning digital curriculum that drives scholar engagement and equity through deeper learning.
- Flexible features and comprehensive standards empower teachers to deepen scholars’ comprehension in ELA, social studies, and science.
- Actively Learn is part of the Achieve3000 suite of digital education solutions.
- Fall, Winter, and Spring benchmarks are designed to measure end-of-year expectations and growth.
- Provides accurate predictions of scholar achievement in state assessments.
- Designed to provide high-quality assessments across all grades and subjects, collaborate with colleagues, align questions to curriculum standards and other diagnostic tags, and share evaluations.
- Leverages rich, rigorous assessments that engage scholars using traditional and technology-enhanced items and support tools.
- Creates support plans for both individual scholars and groups.
- Sets and monitors academic goals.
- Measures the efficacy of intervention strategies and programs by individual scholars and subgroups (MTSS/RTI).
ELA Overview 6th Grade Pilot Curriculum
During this unprecedented time, Pride Academy Charter School recognizes the opportunity to explore a new approach to teaching reading skills.
One of our 6th grade ELA teachers has completed training this summer with Smekens Education Solutions, Inc. to learn how to structure a reading curriculum based on skills rather than story-driven skills.
The curriculum is called The Comprehensive Playbook by Kristina Smekens. It revolves around 6 critical reading skills and corresponding sub-skills:
- Summarizing Literature
- Summarizing Information
- Tracking Ideas
- Recognizing Text Structure
- Analyzing Author Choices
- Comparing Multiple Texts
ELA Proposal Grade 6 Curriculum Pilot
Pride’s 6th-grade scholars will partake in the same assessments as the other grades and continue to study novels. The pacing, scope, and sequence of reading skills will be determined by the Smekens’ approach rather than the current Engage NY ELA curriculum. Pride will be using the resulting data to decide if this is an approach to consider for future implementation.
The Comprehension Playbook Curriculum approach includes several research-based best practices, including:
- Spiral review of reading comprehension skills rather than a once-covered-move-on approach.
- Explicit instruction of skills coupled with gradual release – the goal here is to look for genuinely independent application by scholars.
- Scholar independent application of reading.
- Skills used to guide the pacing and instruction. Appropriate texts and excerpts support the skills rather than having the novel drive the instruction solely.
- Clear, deliberate teaching of how to handle each skill, as opposed to simply reading and questioning. Skills are directly taught, modeled, practiced with support, and finally applied independently.
- Use of anchor charts as a guiding tool for scholar reference and visual learning.
- Class novels still play an integral role in the classroom. Teachers, however, would be encouraged to choose books that speak to the scholars as opposed to teaching pre-determined works. This allows for the expansion of Pride’s literary offerings and the ability to choose new books that represent more diverse perspectives and experiences. This is especially crucial given the latest April 2021 New Jersey Department of Education requirement for all school districts “to include instruction on diversity and inclusion as part of the implementation of New Jersey Student Learning Standards” (
- Expanded time for reading in class will also be provided for scholars to engage in choice reading and class novels.
- The Nancie Atwell model of The Reader’s Workshop will be used to facilitate expanded time for reading.
- A Common Core-aligned ELA program with a built-in diagnostic tool, it can construct and administer reliable, valid, formative, and summative assessments.
- Scholars are assessed at the start of the year for their ability to read informational and literary texts. Based on their scores, the program contains interactive lessons that provide targeted enrichment and support opportunities.
- Scholars take a mid-way assessment and an end-of-the-year assessment.
- Both scholars and teachers set goals, track the results, and reflect upon the growth made throughout the year.
Actively Learn:
- Actively Learn is an award-winning digital curriculum that drives scholar engagement and equity through deeper learning.
- Flexible features and comprehensive, standards-aligned resources empower teachers to deepen scholars’ comprehension in ELA, social studies, and science.
- Actively Learn is part of the Achieve3000 suite of digital education solutions.
- Fall, Winter, and Spring benchmarks are designed to measure end-of-year expectations and growth.
- Provides accurate predictions of scholar achievement in state assessments.
- Designed to provide high-quality assessments across all grades and subjects, collaborate with colleagues, align questions to curriculum standards and other diagnostic tags, and share evaluations.
- Leverages rich, rigorous assessments that engage scholars using traditional and technology-enhanced items and support tools.
- Creates support plans for both individual scholars and groups.
- Sets and monitors academic goals.
- Measures the efficacy of intervention strategies and programs by individual scholars and subgroups (MTSS/RTI).
Math Curriculum
Math Overview
Pride Academy’s math curriculum is derived from a variety of research-based, Common Core, standards-based, and NJSLA aligned sources that include:
- The NY Engage Math curriculum sequence and scaffold content that is aligned to the CCLS and NJSLA Framework.
- NJSLA Framework that provides informed development of the NJSLA assessment and support of the Common Core State Standards
- The Common Core Standards and NJ Student Learning Standard Model curriculum
Online software finds and fixes learning gaps with the power of personalized learning.
MobyMax’s adaptive curriculum creates an individualized education plan for each scholar, allowing gifted scholars to progress as quickly as they like while simultaneously ensuring that remedial scholars get the extra instruction they need.
- The school-wide goal of completing 100,000 math problems by June 2022
- Provides scholars with differentiated assessments and practice exercises
Additional Resources:
These different sources provide teachers with approaches that not only are aligned with the NJ Common Core Standards but also offer resources for differentiation and opportunities for vertical planning.
- Zearn
- Khan Academy
- Edulastics
- FishTank Mathematics
- NJSLA Released Questions
- Fall, Winter, and Spring benchmarks are designed to measure end-of-year expectations and growth.
- Provides accurate predictions of scholar achievement in state assessments.
- Designed to provide high-quality assessments across all grades and subjects, collaborate with colleagues, align questions to curriculum standards and other diagnostic tags, and share evaluations.
- Leverages rich, rigorous assessments that engage scholars using traditional and technology-enhanced items and support tools.
- Creates support plans for both individual scholars and groups.
- Sets and monitors academic goals.
- Measures the efficacy of intervention strategies and programs by individual scholars and subgroups (MTSS/RTI).
Science Curriculum
Math Overview
The Science program at Pride Academy Charter School, beginning in Grade 5, emphasizes development, problem-solving, and scientific inquiry in each of the four major Science disciplines:
- Life
- Chemistry
- Physical
- Earth Science
The scholars will employ a hands-on multisensory approach that incorporates kinesthetic, visual, and technology-based elements.
Scholars are also asked to apply their knowledge to find solutions to problems in the world around them. We want scholars to be able to build an in-depth understanding of each topic studied through hands-on learning experiences. We want to help them connect multiple content areas under the STEM model (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
Teachers are encouraged to use the 5E Instructional Model when developing lesson plans.
The 5E Instructional Model is to:
- Engage
- Explore
- Explain
- Evaluate
- Extend
Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts will be infused throughout this curriculum as outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards.
In all Science classes, scholars are asked to sort, predict, observe, measure, compare, conclude, explain, infer, design, and build.
Special attention is given to developing strong reading, writing, and math skills. These skills will be utilized in several areas in the future.
TEXT and Major Website Resources:
- Grade 5: McGraw Hill A Closer Look Science Text
- Earth, Life and Physical Science Texts-
- Kesler Science Lab materials
- Nitty Gritty Interactive Notebooks
- Khan Academy
- Legends of Learning
- CK12
NWEA MAP Suite Science Assessments:
- Four adaptive interim assessments measuring growth in grades 3-5 (5th-grade scholars take this form).
- Four adaptive interim assessments measuring growth in grades 6-8 (6th through 8th-grade scholars take this form).
- Provides detailed reports that may be shared with families and utilized to engage scholars in data analysis and goal setting.
- It gives teachers a scope of data that supports tiered instruction.
- Prepares scholars for the NJSLA- Science assessment in 5th and 8th grade.
- Identifies scholar’s present level of performance and predicts growth from one assessment to the other.
Social Studies Curriculum
Social Studies Overview
Pride Academy’s Social Studies Department strives to introduce scholars to the human experience by a comparative study of past and contemporary societies and cultures.
We want to help develop their ability to conduct research, analyze and assess evidence, and articulate sound conclusions both orally and in writing.
Through a curriculum rooted in the cultural experiences of our scholars, scholars will acquire knowledge and skills that help them develop as informed, engaged, and thoughtful citizens. They’ll feel equipped to pursue paths to successful careers in any field that values thoughtful analysis of evidence, practical communication skills, and a broad and empathetic approach to knowledge.
Grade 5: (Geography/Civics)
- Discovering World Geography textbook
- BrainPop
- com
- National Geographic Kids
- Geography Alive! Regions and People
- Building Citizenship: Civics and Economics
- Map Skills 5th Grade from Evan Moor
- DBQ Online
- Google Maps/Google Earth
- Zinn Education Project Resources from “The People’s History of the United States”
Grade 6: World History (Ancient & Medieval)
- Discovering our Past: A History of the World
- History Alive! The Ancient World
- com
- National Geographic
- com
- org
- BrainPop
- Financial Literacy- Everfi K-12
- DBQ Online
- Zinn Education Project Resources from “The People’s History of the United States”
Grade 7: (US History 1)
- HSI history investigations
- Cartoon History of the United States
- African American History textbook
- History Alive
- McGraw Hill A History of the U.S.
- Financial Literacy- Everfi K-12
- DBQ Online
- The 1619 Project Resources and NY Times
- Zinn Education Project Resources from “The People’s History of the United States”
Grade 8: (US History 2)
- Connect Ed- McGraw
- Discovering our past- US History
- com
- NewsELA
- History Channel
- NY State Regent Assessment
- Financial Literacy- Everfi K-12
- DBQ Online
- The 1619 Project Resources and NYTimes
- Zinn Education Project Resources from “The People’s History of the United States”
- Fall, Winter, and Spring benchmarks are designed to measure end-of-year expectations and growth.
- Provides accurate predictions of scholar achievement in state assessments.
- Designed to provide high-quality assessments across all grades and subjects, collaborate with colleagues, align questions to curriculum standards and other diagnostic tags, and share evaluations.
- Leverages rich, rigorous assessments that engage scholars using traditional and technology-enhanced items and support tools.
- Creates support plans for both individual scholars and groups.
- Sets and monitors academic goals.
- Measures the efficacy of intervention strategies and programs by individual scholars and subgroups (MTSS/RTI).
Spanish Curriculum
Spanish Overview
In an increasingly interdependent world, teachers, school administrators, and curriculum supervisors must cooperate in preparing students for world citizenship. The ability to communicate in languages other than English is an important component of a global perspective. Fostering that ability is the special responsibility of world language teachers. Communication skills in a language other than English provide direct access to the minds and spirits of the people of the world. Pride Academy Charter School believes that second language proficiency is an important component in the education of today’s students as they prepare for a productive and rewarding life. It is the ability to communicate in meaningful and appropriate ways with users of other languages that is the ultimate goal of today’s world language classroom. In addition to the practical application of communication skills, the benefits derived from the study of a second language are many and contribute to the attainment of our goals for elementary and secondary education by:
- Fostering a sense of humanity and friendship.
- Increasing a student’s adaptability to different environments and modes of acting and thinking.
- Furnishing the key to thinking patterns, cultures, and social institutions of other peoples.
- Giving insights into the human mind and language itself.
- Preparing students for a world in which nations and peoples will be increasingly interdependent.
- Developing skills and habits that are inherent in the learning process and that result in creative inquiry and critical thinking.
- Helping students to be empathetic by increasing their sensitivity to and understanding of the language, values, customs, and traditions of others and by leading them to discover and examine their own personal values.
- Providing insights into our value system and an appreciation of our civic duties and responsibilities.
- Being an additional asset to professional advancement.
The curriculum is divided into instructional units, with recycling themes based on levels of proficiency and modes of communication and is designed for students in grade 5. These proficiencies have as their underpinnings the Proficiencies for World Languages, set out in the New Jersey State Department of Education document- New Jersey World Languages Curriculum Framework (Winter 1999). The curriculum is geared toward the levels of proficiency through the “Interpersonal”, “Interpretive” and “Presentational” modes of communication. Consideration has been given to the National Standards set forth by the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
All Grades:
● Cuentame Mas- TPRS Curriculum (
● ¿Cómo te va? Books – McGraw Hill
● Duolingo (
*Please note that assessments are administered 3-4 times per year to measure student growth with targeted skills and standards.
Dance Curriculum
Dance Overview
While Pride Academy’s Core Belief that “within all students lies the power to shape their own future” is inherent in every discipline, it is most keenly symbolized in the creative and performing arts. It is here, through the rich and varied mediums of dance, percussion, movement, song, rhythm, theatrics, voice, clay, paint, fabric, plaster, wood, oils, and even pencil and paper, that Pride students are able to understand the truth of this belief as they literally shape and mold their creative visions into reality. Whether via the form of monologue or dance, sculpture or harmony, painting or improvisation, Pride Academy will equip its students with the ability to understand the tools of the arts and the power each medium contains to communicate individuality, emotion, and new perspectives to the world.
To that end, the Pride Academy Charter School Performing Arts Dance curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and targets skills across the key areas of the visual and performing arts.
All Grades:
- “Discovering Dance” – Gayle Kassing
- “History of Dance” – Gayle Kassing
- “Dance Units for Middle School” – Judi Fey
- “Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation” – Sandra Cerny Minton
*Please note that assessments are administered 3-4 times per year to measure student growth with targeted skills and standards.
Physical Education Curriculum
Physical Education Overview
A sequential and developmentally appropriate elementary Physical Education program has been affirmed to substantially improve personal health and the quality of life with carry-over to adulthood. This course of study develops and refines foundational skills to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to lead a healthy life. The curriculum capitalizes on integration, collaboration and interdisciplinary instruction. The middle school curriculum has the ability to make connections with other disciplines educating the “whole” child through movement experiences. The curriculum reflects standards directly correlating to the New Jersey Core Student Learning Standards, as well as authentic assessment techniques, which address what students know and should be able to do. This revised curriculum balances health-related fitness, motor skills, content knowledge, and personal and social development activities. As students participate in a quality Physical Education curriculum, they develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to incorporate physical activity into regular routines and leisure pursuits to live active, healthy lifestyles.
The National Association for Sport and Physical Activity defines the physically educated person as one who (Frankel, et. al, 1992):
- has learned skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities.
- is physically fit.
- does participate regularly in Physical Education.
- knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities.
- values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle.
Students currently receive Physical Education for fifty-three minutes twice a week.
Online Resources:
-– students are able to demonstrate skills and create video presentations to reflect understanding and growth in standards
- Teacher creates video workouts that students can utilize at home and in the classroom
- Various equipment pieces appropriate for grade level and activities.
*Please note that assessments are administered 3-4 times per year to measure student growth with targeted skills and standards.
Technology Curriculum
Technology Overview
In our ever-increasingly technological society, computer literacy is needed both as an important set of skills required for future application as well as a powerful educational tool in its own right, propelling students forward on a life-long path of learning. Problem-solving, communicating, comparing, explaining, creating, questioning, analyzing, designing, searching, critiquing, and imagining—the possibilities of a technology-based education are unlimited and extend well beyond the walls of a computer lab into the realms of every Pride subject. By embracing technology as both a tool and a discipline, Pride students will be well-equipped to seize future opportunities as successful members of our modern society.
The classes focus on computer science (using coding and robotics in the processes) as well as Design Thinking.
Design thinking is a critical thinking process that focuses on solving real world problems and issues by students researching solutions or ways to improve current practices, and steadily looking for ways to strengthen their design/ideas throughout the project.
Online Resources:
- has been the primary resource for developing computer science skills
- Robotics kits: provides opportunity for students tol transfer skills to programming Spheros
- Integration of 3D printers
*The goal is to have the current 5th and 6th graders transitioning to typing actual code by 8th grade. The current 7th and 8th graders will have had a thorough exposure to robotics and Computer Science this year and next, as they prepare for high school or elective choices beyond Pride.