My name is Jasmine Clarke and I’m from East Orange, NJ. I graduated from Pride Academy in 2012. After graduation, I went to college at Rutgers University for Accounting and Management. 

I now work as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs, which is a large bank on Wall Street in NYC. In my free time, I like to travel, try different foods, and go to music events and concerts. 

Attending Pride Academy changed my life for the better because the teachers at Pride always pushed me to go above & beyond and reach for the stars. This helped me grow into a confident, knowledgeable leader when I started high school. The core values at PRIDE also helped me build a character of ethical standards because doing the right thing no matter what is very important. 

The best part of my time at Pride is that I have met my lifelong best friends – Stefanie and Elijah. I talk to them both every single day since graduating over 10 years ago. 

Without Pride Academy, I wouldn’t be the person I am today!