Parent Council Meeting

The Pride Parent Council will host a parent council meeting on Wednesday, February 28 at 5:30.  A light dinner is always provided, and children are able to attend and eat.  […]

7th Grade Project Pride Installation

The 7th grade Project Pride community service project "Kindness Rocks" will be installed at Elmwood Park in East Orange at 1:30 pm.  The students will be creating a station where […]

Saturday APP Program

The Saturday Advanced Proficiency Program (Saturday APP)  provides scholars with extended learning opportunities in both Math and English Language Arts (ELA) in order to be successful as they prepare for the […]

Saturday REACH Program

The Saturday R.E.A.C.H program is designed to provide support to a targeted group of  scholars who are striving to be successful in academic content areas.This program will allow scholars to […]

Super and Stylin’ Scholar Dress Down Day

The homeroom with the least amount of latenesses and absences (Super Scholars) as well as the homeroom with the least amount of uniform violations (Stylin' Scholars) will earn a free […]

Second Trimester Report Card Night

Teachers will be available to conference with parents from 4:15-6:00 pm. Please see your scholar's homeroom teacher first to pick up their report card.

8th Grade Graduation Pictures

8th grade girls are asked to wear a tank top under their uniform and 8th grade boys must wear or bring a white buttoned down shirt for 8th grade graduation […]

ESSA Parent Meeting: Help with New Math

During this Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Parent Meeting, Mrs. Marash, Ms. Dumenigo, and members of the Math Department will be helping families answer common questions such as "Why do […]

Guest Speaker: Teddy Crawford

Personal Safety Coach Teddy Crawford will present to scholars, teachers, and parents about "the power of friendship" as part of Pride's Safe School Initiative at 2 pm in the Great […]

Tie-a-Tie Event

8th grade male scholars will learn about the different rites of passages celebrated amongst men within different cultures and communities. At the end of the presentation, each scholar will receive […]